Left lower first premolar - 34-M

Technical description

Left lower first premolar of shade A3 (Vita) with mesial sista 2.3 caries at the contact point.

Pedagogical objective

A simulator that can be suitable for both the restorative and prosthetic dentist because of the presence of ceramic particles making the crown size feel real. This tooth is suitable for practicing direct contact-point reconstructive techniques.

Tooth adaptable on the ANA-4 FRASACO support.

Poids de la dent avec le conditionnement : < 10 g.
Dimensions avec le conditionnement (PxLxH) : 37 x 37 x 20 mm.

SKU: DCA-34M Category:

13,90 HT

Further information

Weight 10 g
Dimensions 37 × 37 × 20 mm